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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Holiday_Work372 on 2023-09-24 18:45:30.

I’ve met him several times because he’s my friend’s (20F) friend. Once he even gave me a lift and it was one of the most uncomfortable lifts in my life When I asked my friend if she had known he asked me out she said she didn’t but… started persuading me that ‘who knows what future holds’ (idk, me for example?) and ‘maybe something will change as we meet more’ (we meet only when she takes me to her friends, by now I’ve met that guy for max 4 times). I’ve got annoyed and I was assertive - I told her that my no means no I rejected that guy clearly - I told him we can only be friends (I can’t avoid him forever, sometimes I’ll meet him so that’s why I said that, all I want is a positive, ‘correct’ relationship without any hostility). He said he respects that but maybe I’d like to be friends, even to meet in a group. I said I’ll probably see him from time to time, mostly because of my friend etc. now he still keeps texting me, I respond him once a day or two days but he still doesn’t take a hint I’m going to a party to our friend and he’s supposed to be there. I’m a little bit worried because I don’t want him to give me a lift after that and I’m a little bit scared he gets obtrusive if he decides to drink. I’m also worried my friends won’t take my ‘no’ seriously What should I do? I don’t really have any opportunity to avoid him forever and also don’t want my friends group or the party become messed up because of that situation TL;DR; I rejected a guy but he keeps texting me and idk what to do about that