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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/apex_female on 2023-09-22 17:20:23.

I (20f) go to a small liberal arts college. I am in my junior year but I’m trying to put myself on track to graduate a semester early with honors. I’m a psychological science major and spend a lot of time in that department. I work in the psychology department, the sociology/anthropology department, and for the admissions office. I’m currently working with a professor to set up my own research project that hopefully you all will one day see published (cross your fingers for significant results). I’ve designed this project mostly by myself with some oversight from the professor and I’m now introducing it to the lab team to carry out. I take 4 classes (one with a lab) and 1 is a 300 level class while the rest are 200 level. That being said I’m extremely busy and don’t have a lot of extra time to mess around. If I can manage to find extra time it’s either spent working on projects, eating, sleeping, or sometimes with my partner and/or friends.

This brings us to yesterday where I had an exam for my anatomy/physiology course. We had taken the same exam the day before in a collaborative group, but today we were to take it alone and make sure we went more in depth on the questions. I get to class and look over her notes on the exam for yesterday before taking a seat and waiting for her to pass out the exams (this is scheduled class time). She continues joking around with students for another 10 minutes before telling us that we’re all going on a short walk to the local elementary to pick up her child as some sort of ‘fun’ field trip. I, in what I think is reasonably respectful way, ask her if this is required and if I can just take the exam. She goes on to say that her child is very excited to come to this class, but once again I ask if I can just take my exam instead so that I can leave early so I have extra time during my day. She agrees to let me stay in the lab and do the test while everyone else goes to pick up her kid. I’m the only one who stays behind, but I was fine with that.

For extra clarification, this was around 2:30 and due to my schedule I didn’t have time to eat lunch today and it was very hot outside and had been given no previous notice of this excursion. In my head, I find it disrespectful of her to come to class and waste my time when I pay her the respect to not do the same for her. Additionally, I pay around $15,000 a semester to go here and don’t agree with her using class time meant for learning to do activities like pick her child up from school. I mentioned my displeasure to another classmate today though and they found it ridiculous that I disagreed with her using the time to pick up her kid and insisting I stay behind to just get the exam over with. AITA?