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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Commercial_Math_2828 on 2023-09-22 18:16:02.

Hi there!!! I’ve been second guessing myself for a couple weeks now and decided to hopefully get other opinions on this. So… I 36(f) and husband 39(m) have 2 kids 16(NB) and 12(f). My husband’s family and his whole extended family and going to DisneyWorld again, they have done this twice already. We all went the first time and the kids went with his family without us the second time. Earlier this year they started planning another trip and with everything going on in Florida politically and my child being non binary and very flamboyant about their sexuality I said Hell No! We talked with the kids about everything and they seemed totally in board and understood. My in-laws would ask here and there if I’d change my mind but I stayed firm with the support of the kids. Now flashforward a couple more months and my sister-in-law was very drunk and brought it up again stating my youngest told her kids she wants to go but doesn’t want to cause conflict or just have her go and her sibling miss out. My equally as drunk husband told her no again and went off on her about why we couldn’t do something else somewhere else that everyone can go and enjoy and then it was dropped. I have not talked with my kids about this, I’m not sure how to yet. My husband and I can’t go no matter the circumstances bc of our jobs and finances but I am starting to doubt if I did the right thing for the kids. So reddit please help and let me know AITA for not letting my kids got to Disney bc of my beliefs???