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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/MentalTrade on 2023-09-20 04:41:36.

My (22F) and my bfs (23M) cat is 2 years old and I love her with all my heart. I say “our cat” but she’s really mine. She’s lived with me her whole life. I have taken care of her. She loves me so much and you can really tell. She cuddles every night with me to go to sleep. I love her with my whole heart.

My bf recently came to me with the idea to travel to Australia for a year, two years from now. I loved the idea. I was completely on board and told him that I want to go however if I can’t bring my cat then I’m not doing it. Well I just found out that I can’t bring her because of the breed she is. I don’t want to go anymore. It simply is just no longer is an option for me. I told my bf this. He asked me if he applies to jobs there and gets offered one that I wouldn’t move with him. And I told him no. He then proceeded to tell me that he would break up with me at that point. He thinks I’m prioritizing the cat over my life and living experiences. I have no issue with travelling and leaving my cat for like a month (I have done that once before). But a whole year without her would break my heart. She’s basically my baby. I don’t feel like I’m really that crazy with my pet. Do I just leave my pet behind and move to Australia for a year? Or do I stand my ground and maybe only travel for a month somewhere?

AITA for choosing my cat over my bfs and my experiences in life? Or is he ta for expecting me to drop something I love so much to travel?

TLDR: bf wants to go to Australia for a year and I don’t because I can’t bring my cat. He thinks I’m crazy