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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Leading-Sandwich-314 on 2023-09-20 01:34:52.

My whole life I was extremely close with my grandparents. I spent most days with them as my mother was a young single mother and she worked and went to university. My grandparents always told me that when they pass they will leave their house to me as a kickstart for my young family.

A few years ago my grandparents started getting sick, it started with my grandfather getting dementia. His illness took a great toll on my grandmother who was his primary caregiver. I spent most of my free time visiting them and trying to help them with anything they needed around the house like cooking, cleaning, and some repairs. My grandfather’s illness progressed rapidly and eventually he needed constant care.

A few months later my grandmother ended up having a hard time breathing and had to go to the hospital to be checked out. Turns out she had stage 4 lung cancer. Her health deteriorates rapidly and within 2 months she passed away. My mother who has been living on the other side of the country for the last 8 years came home seen her mother for the last week of her life. At the same time my grandfather’s family (bothers and sisters) along with myself were taking care of him and arranged for him to go into a nursing home.

My mom decides shes moving home to see her father more while he is still alive and decides to move her family into my grandparents house. This isn’t a problem with me as I have a house I am renting nearby and I would rather them use the house than have it empty. They were also paying the mortgage so it basically saved me from having to find another tenant to cover the costs.

Now a few years have passed, and she bought a bigger house to suit her family about 20 minutes away. So now we are selling the house and she immediately assumes we are splitting the money 50/50. I asked why she would think that? The house was supposed to be left to me, she knew that was my grandparents wishes. Our whole family including great uncles and aunts knew the house was to be left to me.

The shitty thing is, my grandparents never left a will, and my mother as next of kin has full control over the estate. She says I should not be greedy and that she could keep the entire amount when the house sells and I should be happy I am getting half. I want to keep the peace with my mother and I don’t want to be greedy. But I can’t help but feel like I am being extremely betrayed. Should I just not worry about the >60k to save my relationship with my mother?