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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/sash019 on 2023-09-19 21:12:03.

( this will be a throw away account since I don’t want my fiancé to see this cause I don’t want him to blame himself or feel hurt. I’m also sorry for any English spelling or grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language.)

My (43 f) mother and (47m) father have disproved my fiancé( 24 m) for the past two years because he is a atheist.

However I’m a 22 year old who was brought up as an catholic. My fiancé and I have been dating for three years, I finished university quite earlier than my fiancé, we plan to marry eachother after he finishes uni ( his parents want to pay for it no matter how much I said my fiancé and I could manage)

I never told my parents about my fiancé the first year of dating but when I told them they immediately forbidden me to date him since he isn’t Catholic, of course I ignored them because I didn’t care. But they treated him like shit for the whole two years they known him and he is too good for his on good because he always tried to be on their good side.

When I told my parents that I’m engaged to him, we fought and they told me if I don’t break things off with him I would be disowned. I felt pissed and told them they can disown me then cause I want nothing to deal with them. My eldest sister called me a bitch for picking a man over family.

I just wanted to know if I’m in the wrong, I won’t stop being with my fiance but I just want to know if I should’ve handled the fight with my parents better and if I should apologize or something of sorts

(If you wonder why I didn’t listen to my parents about not being with him in the beginning I began to hate being Catholic because my parents used to send me to a boarding school who had gotten the green flag to punish you by parents. For example hitting your wrist with a rular 10x if you asked or talked about another religion )