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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/draitzy on 2023-09-19 11:51:49.

My husband and I have a 3 yo and a 1 yo who both go to a daycare up the street. The daycare hosts a book fair and I told my husband when we picked them up today I want to buy them each a book of their choice. He said fine. The boys picked out their books and while we were in line to pay, our 3 yo changed his mind and wanted a different book. He ran into a little friend from his class who was also getting this book and I thought this is great, he wants to get the same book - how cute! I said that’s ok I’ll buy the first choice for myself and so we would have ended up buying 3 books. My husband told my 3 yo he couldn’t buy his second choice, then told me I couldn’t buy it either. I knew this was going to be a meltdown and I didn’t want to argue in front of the cashier - embarrassing as it was. I said ok and paid and the cashier is looking at me like wtf is this guys problem??? My 3 yo burst into tears and husband picked him up and carried him out. I was pissed. I wanted to have a good happy experience buying books and instead the memory is traumatic. For me too. My husband apologized but he does this shit all the time.