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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Capital-Algae-6806 on 2023-09-19 13:08:56.

I (15m) have two siblings, my older brother and sister (both 18). They have a good relationship. I have a really good relationship with both of my siblings as well.

My sister is kind of an overachiever, like she’s an all rounder, wins awards for all subjects and has crazy high grades. My brother on the other hand is an average student, and doesn’t really take anything seriously. He just goofs off during class and at home but he’s really passionate about theater and dedicates hours upon hours on it. My parents don’t approve of my brother’s love for theater and they’re constantly telling him to pick up another passion.

My sister recently participated in a robotics competition. She was working for it like crazy in the past months to prepare for it and was extremely nervous. My brother coincidentally also had a performance during that time and I know he’d been practicing like hell because he came home late almost everyday in the months leading up to it as well.

The date for my sisters competition was announced after my brothers performance date was confirmed. My brother got into a major fight with my parents because they said they would be going to my sisters competition to support her instead of my brothers performance.

A few days ago was the day of the performance and the competition. I was supposed to go to the venue myself to meet my parents who would be there earlier for the competition. But I felt really bad about skipping my brothers performance because nobody would be going. So instead of going to the competition I told my parents I would go watch his performance instead.

My brother was obviously disappointed that no one else showed up but was happy to see me I think. Both the competition and the performance went well but my brother was giving my parents the silent treatment during dinner. After everyone went to bed my parents say they wanted to talk to me.

They said that my sister was really sad that I didn’t show up to her competition because I knew how important it was to her. That made her more upset during the competition and maybe caused her to do slightly worse than she could have. They told me to prioritize better because while my sisters competition was so important that it could decide what college she went to, my brothers was just a performance for school.

Myy sister became more snippy with me and she suddenly had an outburst about it and got into a huge fight with my brother (I don’t really know what they shouted about though). Now everyone’s relationship is strained and my parents told me that it’s probably my fault for creating all of this drama, and I shouldve went for the competition like they wanted to. I still think what I did was right but I think I need an outsiders point of view. So AITA?