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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ill-Research3290 on 2023-09-17 23:36:52.

My bf (23m) and I (23F) been together for 6 years. I always preferred short haircut on guys, and I don’t like long hair on guys because it just seems messy to me. My bf has known this since the beginning we’ve been together. Last year I wanted to dye my hair red, but my bf hates the color red and was urging me not to. Basically saying he wouldn’t be attracted to me if I dyed my hair red. I was disappointed, but he kept his hair short since that was my preference, so why wouldn’t I do the same for him. Well recently this year he’s been growing out his hair. I asked him when he was going to get a haircut, and he said he’s trying to grow out his hair a bit. I responded back “well don’t grow it out too long because you know how I feel about long hair on guys”. Months passed and his hair is way past his shoulders now. I personally think his hair is covering his handsome face, and it makes him look messy and not put together. I voiced to him again that I really preferred if he gets a haircut. He snapped at me saying it’s his hair, and he can do what he want which I responded back well I guess I’ll dye my hair red then. I only said that because I was upset with this double standard. He can whatever he wants to his hair, but I can’t?? Anyways that made him even more mad claiming it’s different. AITA?