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WegianWarrior@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
As the observant reader have noticed, I’ve worked my way backwards in the chronology of Schick injectors and magazine repeaters. Well, through the reasonable limitied number of them I got, that is - currently my collection/rotation includes A, B, E2, G4, and a Lady Eversharp I believe would be classed as a type K or L.
Now, the question I’ve been mulling over the last couple of weeks is simple enough… is it worth it trying to score a Type C?
djundjila@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
Yes, 100%
The closed comb Type C is my favourite Schick (my experience is more limited than yours, though: I’ve tried two type Bs, a G1 and an I2 hydro magic)
WegianWarrior@sub.wetshaving.social 1 year ago
Somehow I suspected that would be the answer - you’re a bunch of enablers :P
(sorry for late reply, got a family member in hospital)