link to original reddit post by /u/vurt

I won't lie to you people. I have never felt more fear in my heart than when I heard the news about these vaccine mandates via executive decree. The fact that the government can, on a whim, declare that your body is no longer your property should frighten people to their very soul. It definitely did that to me.

Today I had a meeting at work regarding the potential for these vaccine mandates via OSHA. I am a public sector employee and our state is subject to federal OSHA regulations and rules, so we would need to comply as we're over 100 employees. I informed my boss that if the mandate goes into effect here I would not comply, even if it resulted in my termination. My boss, who is vaccinated, told my coworker and I today that he will fight "tooth and nail" against this mandate and will do whatever he can in his power to ensure we are able to maintain employment without compromising our values and bodily autonomy. It was a very comforting thing to hear, especially considering he made the choice to get the shot.

In short, if you are afraid, don't be. There are more people in your court than you likely realize. Just. Say. No.