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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/flamingoabe81 on 2023-09-15 19:33:02.

My (42) BFF (41) lives with her boyfriend and her four kids (20f, 17m, 13f, and 6m) in a small three bedroom house. Her boyfriend is rather lazy and does the bare minimum, basically works 30 hours a week and sleeps or plays on his phone the rest of the time. Any home or car maintenance is usually done by myself or my husband. My BFF also works about 30 hours a week but does all the housework and child care.

They were both laid off during COVID and didn’t pay any rent or put anything aside from stimulus money (rather they spent it on frivolous items). Well once things started back getting normal again they started paying rent but kind of ignored the 16 months they didn’t pay. Again spending whatever extra they had on unnecessary stuff. Well she recently got a letter of eviction giving her till the 15th of next month to vacate. Both my husband and myself have encouraged her to talk with landlord, seek help from family, talk with county, and even talk to legal aid. She has done none of this and instead decided to drink and bury her head in the sand.

Now she has mentioned moving in with me and my family (husband, daughter 17, and son 13). As much as I’d love to help her I just can’t. I am a neat freak - she is not, my kids attend school regularly - her’s miss a lot, my 17yo works a lot on top of school - her 20yo lays in bed all day doing nothing but smoking pot (legal here) and having guys over. Lastly she has lots of pets and I mean lots 13 dogs and 14 cats. I have my own hobby farm but they are well kept after and cleaned up after, her’s are not as much and there is often messes around the house.

So would I be the asshole to leave her, her family, and her pets to be homeless? I have offered to go with her to talk to organizations but again she is just ignoring it all.