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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Spies_and_Lovers on 2023-09-15 09:08:33.

On mobile!

I (40f) have a sister (37) that recently started a 2nd shift job, the only shift available there at the moment. She has a son (12), my nephew, we’ll call J. About 2 months ago, J started football practice in the evenings. My sister called me crying because she had no way to get him from practice. I offered to pick him up, and she gave me a few bucks in gas money. J came up to me the first day after practice, and asked if I could take his friend (Z) home too. They all live in the same housing development,so I said sure. Z’s mom is a single parent that works 2 jobs,and is gone a lot in the evenings.So, I starting taking Z home everyday too. 2 weeks go by,and another boy (A) wants to ride with us. Same housing development. His mom recently got in a bad car wreck, and A has been finding random rides home. So now I have A with me too. I’m just a mom trying to help out other moms. :)

This goes on for a few weeks, when this other little boy (X)wanted to ride. Sure, I had room that day. He was the absolute RUDEST child I have ever encountered. The rest of the boys are funny, and polite. We cut up, joke around. But this kid… Some of the things he did on the way home:

Called A the F slur. Said I was too fat to be driving a car. Kept making fun of J’s weight. Was telling me, a 40 year old, how to drive. My daughter, 8, was riding with us that day and she started laughing. He looked at he, and said Why the fuck are you laughing?

This kid is 12.

I got to J’s house, and I let all of them out. They live close enough where they can all walk home. A few houses down. X stayed in the car and said I need you to take me to my house. I said No you’re walking like the rest of them. He gets out, slams my door, and screams


After he walked away, I called my nephew over there, and told him his friend isn’t allowed back in my car. He was pissed at X, and said he would handle it.

A month passes, and X tried to get a ride again. I said ‘I’m going to keep it polite and just say no thank you’ and I drove off.

The next day, I’m waiting in line to pick the boys up, when this woman starts tapping on my window. I rolled it down, and she said GET THE FUCK OUT. I knew it was X’s mom. I’m not fighting anybody over this stupid shit. I told her I wasn’t getting out. She asked why I was refusing to take her BABY home. I went over everything her BABY said and did. Of course she didn’t believe it. She said she thinks it’s fucked up that I can help all the other moms but not her. I told her, if your kid had a little more sense, then he could still have a ride. And also I’m helping the moms that work in the evenings, or can’t drive at all. This woman doesn’t have a job, she’s just lazy. I rolled my window up, and she started screaming at me.So AITA? She still calls me an asshole every chance she gets.