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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Western_Fig_6787 on 2023-09-14 23:15:33.

My bf and I had been living together for a year. I was paying about 70% of the rent because I made more. I paid $1400 and he paid $600 because he was living as a student, studying full time and working part time.

Then 4 months ago I was laid of and began collecting unemployment. I told him we should split things 50/50 because I now made about as much as he did on his part time job but he resisted because I have more savings because I worked. I don’t think it’s fair to ask me to dip into my savings especially when we didn’t have our money together at any point and most of my savings came from before we met. We argued back and forth for weeks until he agreed to a 60% 40% split which in my opinion still wasn’t fair but at least we weren’t arguing.

As soon as I found my job, I was suppose to start on Monday he demanded I had to switch back to the 70/30 split. I didn’t even get a paycheque yet and I felt like he was just using me as bank. He doesn’t own a car but most of the grocery shopping, going to friends places, dentist appointments aka anything that required a car meant he took my car. And he has never filled up gas for me. He took my car for 2 days to visit parents and gave it back to me completely empty. Because he wanted to use my car so often I wanted to add him as secondary driver on my insurance but that would have cost $70/month more which he refuses to pay and expects me to cough up because it’s my car.

At this point I was ready to move out anyway but my friend’s roommate was moving and my lease was ending. I told my bf I was moving out a month ago and officially moving to my friends place Oct 1. He is pissed and giving me attitude all the time so I’ve been mostly at that friends place anyway and just paying the last month. My name is on the place and my landlord wanted us out anyway because she wanted to increase rents. He’s pissed because he said I blindsided him but I gave him almost 2 months notice but I feel like with how he treated it he can’t expect me to keep putting up with it.