link to original reddit post by /u/Protomech99
Marxism is bottom-tier garbage. However Lenin's tactics are a genius marvel to behold.
Want voluntaryism? Cool, gain control of public education system and indoctrinate children and college kids into it, then those children will grow up and abolish public education, amongst other things. This one step will eventually guarantee decades of a voluntaryist society to come.
Don't like economic illiterates having a say? Awesome. Stick anyone who suggests that taxes be raised, the minimum wage be raised, or federal government programs should be expanded, etc. into mandatory economics education camps. They WILL come out zombified, chanting "taxation is extortion."
Want a freer market? Use dictatorial powers to force it open with an iron fist. Get rid of welfare, force taxation down, and ditch cumbersome regulations. Also make migration easier for juicy cheap labor. Obliterate anyone who stands in your way.
Have dissenters of libertarianism? Easy. Choose from randomly among them and put them into labor camps. This will ensure dissenters will live in fear daily for daring to even THINK that any weapons or substances should be banned, or that a medicine should be mandatory to go to the grocery store. Encourage their family, friends, and community to turn them in for such wrongthink criminal behavior.
Libertarians who disagree with what's happening to non-libertarians will have their property seized until they agree, because that's probably what would piss them off the most.
Ideological consistence and principles are useless. Only results matter.