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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/SuperfluousExistence on 2023-09-13 18:43:38.

My wife and I don’t have kids, we are friends with my old friend from high-school and his wife, see them here and there. The other day we were going back and forth on the topic of kids and he kinda made it seem like my wife and I were jerks for not replacing ourselves with children.

He has 4 kids, so I was like, “dude, you hooked us up! You had 4 kids so I just want to thank you for making sure the human race is replacing itself properly and to cover me and my wife, really appreciate it!”

I was only half serious but his wife really realllly didn’t like it when I said that and she said “we had these babies for us and our family, not for you.” I was like “Oh I get it, but as far as human population replacement goes, you guys really did us a solid here, we’re officially replaced”

There was a lot of scoffing and the conversation moved onto another topic, but I don’t think I was out of line at all. Was I the asshole here?