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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/walker123 on 2023-09-13 00:53:22.

Hi everyone! Quick update for anyone who is interested.

Recap: My parents wanted to put a tracker on my (28F) phone “for my safety”. I said no and drama ensued. Original post here.

Update: Things were very frosty the next couple of days. My Mum eventually came to me and said that she was going to address the “elephant in the room”. She said that she was very disappointed in me but, as I didn’t care about her, she will just have to live without it (the tracker on my phone). I think she expected me to cave at that point but I didn’t. I said “thank you for understanding” and that was it. The car keys were returned to the drawer and nothing more was said about it from anyone (including my Dad). To this day, I have no idea why the 180 degree flip happened.

Although you all helped me realise that I have an unhealthy codependant relationship with my parents, I think it will just take time to set boundaries and learn how to be my own person. I still love them a lot and I know they love me too (even though we aren’t the type of family that says so).

Which leads me to my other news…I got the job in London! I have officially moved out and am living there now. It still feels surreal. I know it is going to take some time to get used to living independently but I am ready to be my own person and learn how to do things on my own. Honestly, I had given up hope that this day would ever come. I feel so much happier and can genuinely say I am proud of myself. If anyone has any tips for living away from home for the first time, please let me know!

Finally, thank you for all your support and giving me the push I needed. I was in a very dark place and now feel like I can start living my life. Thank you.