link to original reddit post by /u/TribunePontiusAquila

I assert that all governments in history have maintained power by following these steps...

Step 1: Extract Wealth - This can mean taxation, military conquest, nationalization of natural resources, exploiting slaves/serfs, etc.

Step 2: Redistribute Wealth to Supporters - Monarchs divide land between feudal lords in exchange for military support. Warlords pay their soldiers with plundered goods. Middle-eastern dictators give oil money to Generals and loyal party members. Elected officials promise subsidies and special favors in exchange for votes.

I make the following argument:

  1. Any society will inevitably be ruled by those who can most effectively reward their supporters.
  2. Most people value other things above freedom; e.g. wealth, power, security, status, etc.
  3. Therefore, offering freedom as a reward for support will never be a dominant strategy.
  4. Therefore, libertarians will never gain a meaningful political foothold.

Addendum - I do think that clustering in a particular area to increase our influence (like the Free State Project) could be helpful in the short term. However, I think that any attempt to form an independent society (sea-steading, secession) would be perceived as a threat by existing states and destroyed.

The Republic of Minerva, which was conquered by Tongan troops, is an example of what I'm talking about.