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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Infamous_Baseball637 on 2023-09-12 11:05:28.

My younger sister is yet again pregnant. She is 18 and this will make baby number 2.

She is very excited and made a cute announcement party for my parents and me. All three of us were just giving each other hard eye contact the entire time, none of us are happy or think this is a good idea.

I’m 99% sure it was planned, shes 4 months in already so its a bit too late to be talking about alternative options. Obviously my parents are talking to her about it and next steps.

But for me I don’t think I want to be involved with either children anymore. Teen pregnancies suck, but they do happen. For the first one I stayed local for college, I didnt move out so they had the extra support and income. Heck, I was even working extra hours to help support financially.

The first one was a happy little accident, but this second one feels like a massive slap in the face. Mentally, I feel done. I’ve had enough, they aren’t my babies and they were not my choice.

My sisters having a hard time as she was expecting everything to continue the same and for us to be a big happy family. My parents have already had a big chat and put their foot down telling her that she needs to sort herself out and contribute a lot more. She’s come to me and told me she thought they would be happy for her and that she doesn’t like their attitude. She doesn’t even know my opinions yet. I needed some time to collect myself otherwise I would have thrown a full on hissy fit at her.

But I think I am going to move out. I want to stop giving her money and giving her my time and energy baby sitting and picking up the odd jobs that are involved with a baby in the house.

WIBTA if I just stopped?