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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Equivalent_Variety77 on 2023-09-11 10:48:16.

My gf (34) and myself 27, have been dating for a year/ year and a half, depending on when you consider us “dateing”.

Last week her daughter 9 had her cousin spend the night also 9 they were picked up from school by my girlfriend immediately after work, as well as picked up the groceries from the online order.

We both got home around the same time , last Friday I got home less than 5 min before her, so LSS … I took both girls to the park down the street ( 3 blocks away ) so my gf could put the groceries away, and take a shower in peace. All went well going there… they played for a half hr and decided they were ready to go home. On the way home I insisted these two girls walked together and stayed on the sidewalk. Because that both decided immediately leaving the park they wanted to walk along the busy road useing the curb as a balance beam. Its( not usually busy) but people were comeing home from work… so it was… . About a block into this walk home both these girls decided they were going to just step behind a minivan that was backing out of a driveway… and another block both random bolted Into a lane of traffic… so over the last week I could tell my gf was irritated about something, figured it was something at work… tonight I found out that these two 9 year Olds told there mom/aunt ( my gf )I raised my voice to them and scared them, ( I probably did while I was stopping them from getting backed over …or when they ran into the road without looking ) and that she has been pissed at me for over a week about this. Had to vent because I think this was the last straw.