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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/SyrupPsychological32 on 2023-09-11 06:44:29.

hello, i don’t use reddit like at all but i wanted to post this here because i am really close to a burn out and need to tell my side.

i f16 am living with my mom47, my moms gf54 and her son19. i adore her girlfriend, she’s really sweet, and we share the same interests. it’s her son i really do not like. i have a chronic condition that limits my ability to walk and move. my hips and back are messed up and i have moderate nerve damage. this means that sometimes when i do random tasks that require movement i get pain and have to sit down/stop for a while until it stops. the son thinks i am faking my condition and will make it known that he thinks i am. he makes snark comments about how i am lazy, fat etc. my mom and her girlfriend work long hours at their jobs so it’s mostly me and him alone all day. i tell them about the words that he says to me but when they ask him about it he lies and says that i lied. now listen, my mom will believe me if i said aliens have just invaded earth since i really have never lied about anything (if i do something wrong and tell the truth the punishment is lighter) but i want her gf to know that i’m not trying to make her son looks bad. i decided that the best way to prove that i’m not the liar is to record so i could show my mom and her gf. yesterday after i came in from walking the dog i had to immediately sit down because i could feel pain in my hips. the comments started up from him and i went to voice memos and hit record. i recorded about 1 minutes worth before he went into his room and i couldn’t hear anymore. i saved the memo and waited for them both to come home. when they arrived i played them both the audio i recorded and to say they both were outraged was an understatement. they called him into their room and went off on him. i left to go to my room and be happy that the comments would stop and that (even though they already believed me) i had proof to back up my words. i later called my friend and explained the situation and she said that i shouldn’t have made the gf mad at her son. at the time i thought it was right of me to show them the audio but now i’m rethinking it. AITA?