link to original reddit post by /u/ihaphleas
I'm going to start writing some "fables," like Aesop's fables, to point out libertarian ideas. I've said frequently that we need more media: songs, slogans, poems, stories, films, art. Clearly we can collect some fables and make our own ... and perhaps some of these can be fleshed out or stitched together to make something longer.
Here's the first one:
Equality for the Birds
At the congress of the birds, a fierce argument raged. Some complained that they could not fly as high as the eagle, some that they were not as swift as the swallow, others that they could not fly for so long as the albatross and still others that they were not as agile as the hummingbird. The birds debated how this could be remedied, how the eagle might carry the others high into the sky, how the albatross might teach them how to ride the currents of the air. Finally, the kiwi came, and showing that he had no wings with which to fly, asked how they could all ever hope to be equal without clipping their wings like his.