link to original reddit post by /u/ExplodingWario
Hey, I’m not American, I’m from Europe, specifically Germany.
I am quite young, and so I know that young people in Germany and Europe love to make fun of America/Americans. It’s not that surprising, everyone in Europe sees themselves as the higher class in terms of ethics and morality. It’s always been very Euro-Centric.
However, many of the older generation that lived through the war, specifically those who grew up in the American occupation zone, absolutely love America. Normally, getting conquered meant tyranny, exploitation and replacement of ones identity, this was not the case with the Americans in Germany.
America is in no way perfect, but the ideas of liberty, private property and putting the individual first were spread throughout Europe after winning the first and Second World War. America liberated the nations that it “conquered”, of tyrants.
Today, America is not what it used to be. Even though, it is still the strongest and most Influential nation to ever exist, it is not at its absolute peak anymore.
And this development is very worrying to me, since the world wars, nothing has changed about human nature. We are still the same people we were 100 years ago. But our Empire, that is projecting it’s ideals unto the world, of liberty, freedom, the rule of law and free markets, is getting weaker.
Dictators and Terrorist organizations are just waiting for America to crumble so that they can project their own powers in their respective regions.
The World seems to be growing a fruit of war, and it’s waiting for America to crumble to ripen.
I truly believe that those who are set out to weaken America are those who plot to take away our freedoms, and oppress us.
The biggest problem however is that the ones who are mostly relying on the United States, are the Western Europeans. Yet, they are the most arrogant in claiming they are simply morally superior and not protected. They don’t Understand that if America falls, our civilizations in Europe and Asia will be catapulted to pre world war 2 tyrannies, of socially progressive movements.
It is already happening, as America gets weaker, and no one seems to make the connection. Believing that people have changed and that horrible things won’t happen again. It is seriously infuriating.
Anyway, that’s it.
TL/DR: America is the reason for global peace and global free markets, we will turn into pre world war socialist progressive shit holes if america crumbles, protect america and freedom/liberty at all cost.