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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Homewrecker_hater on 2023-09-09 01:46:14.

Hello Reddit this is going to be on a throwaway account since my siblings are on Reddit a lot. So I want to start off am I the asshole for what I (21f) said to my Dad’s Fiancé

About 7 years ago my parents got divorced due to my Dad having an affair on my mom but me and my siblings didn’t know about it until last year because my mom didn’t want to ruin my relationship with my dad same with my siblings. After hearing this news I was livid after hearing from the fact that the home wrecker knew my dad was married and to make matter worse that bitch was also my late uncle (Dad’s brother) wife not only did my Dad betrayed my mom but also his dead brother too!

If I’m being honest I honestly hated that home wrecker from the start not just because she was a home wrecker but she would always criticize my mom of the way she parent me and my siblings, and would always criticize me for not being “ladylike”. Since my Dad’s mistress is old fashioned she would always criticize me for not cleaning and cook for my brothers and criticize my mom for not doing whatever my dad say to her (waiting on him hand and foot), she then says how my mom would never find another man for the way she looks since she doesn’t have a slim body (this bitch is really talking shit about my mom’s looks when she looks like a black version of those ugly ass witches from hocus-pocus, what a downgrade yikes!) then to me about no man wants me for my rude behavior and my hobbies.

Last months she and my dad announced they’re getting married and to celebrate my dad decided to have dinner with my and my siblings to get to know my dad’s fiancé. I honestly didn’t want to good because the homewrecker would criticize me again but my mom made me to make peace, so I reluctantly went. When we had dinner my dad told his Mistress that I’m graduating college soon and then she criticized me again due to me being in college and riding a motorcycle to school.

She stated it isn’t lady like for me to ride a motorcycle and how my mom failed as a mother to raise a proper young lady, then I had enough, this lady can talk crap about me all she wants but when she does it to my mom that where the line is crossed, so I snapped and told her “well it’s also isn’t lady like to be a home wrecking bitch and also doing it with your late husband’s MARRIED brother but yet you still did it” I honestly knew I took things to far cause she got out the restaurant crying and my dad was yelling at me for insulting his fiancé and bringing up her late husband.

So after dinner was over my dad demanded I apologize to her and while my mom appreciates me for standing up for her she did think I took things too far and I should apologize to her. My siblings on the other hand thought it was hilarious and said she had it coming. So am I the asshole for what I said to my dad’s fiancé, cause now I’m starting to feel a bit guilty.

Edit: To clarify yes I know the mistress is technically my aunt but she used to live in another country and it would only be my uncle who would visit the family since they used to live half way across the world from my family and it would take a long time and planning to visit my family so she would insist on staying behind in order to save money and cause she hated traveling a lot. It wasn’t until my uncle death that my dad and my aunt had the affair since my dad had to fly to the country where my aunt used to live since my uncle’s will was signed to my dad and aunt 7 years ago, so me and my siblings knew nothing about her since she never visited us. It wasn’t until last year where she got her US citizenship to move to the US cause of my dad where she then started to get to know the family. It was only last year that I ever met her and decided not to call her my aunt since I was already embarrassed enough about what my dad did since i don’t want other people to know that she was my aunt.