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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CallMeHag on 2023-09-07 02:38:44.

Ten years ago, when I was 21F and my sister was 25F, I found myself in a terrifying situation. I was stranded an hour from home in a bad area, unable to find a way back. The trains were shut down, and in my desperation, I called my sister Morgana for help. Her response shocked me; she said she was too tired from work and wouldn’t come to pick me up. She suggested I either walk or wait at the station until the trains resumed.

Tragically, my decision to wait led to a mugging. I was violently attacked, lost my wallet, IDs, and even my computer. Fortunately, a police officer came to my aid and gave me a ride back home. I made it clear to my sister that I would never forget this incident and that she shouldn’t expect help from me when she needed it.

Fast forward to the present, it’s been ten years, and my parents treated the family to a cruise. My girlfriend and I made a trip out of it, driving down two days ahead to stay in a hotel. Then, at midnight on the eve of our cruise, my sister called in a panic. She had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend, who had subsequently left with the car. Now, she was unable to drive to the cruise dock the next day, stranded outside her boyfriend’s house with only her purse.

She asked us to make a ten-hour round trip to pick her up, which would have disrupted our plans significantly. In response, I texted her that sometimes life throws curveballs, and she should wait for the buses to start running to get back home. I figured she’d be okay waiting outside on a bench all night, just like I had all those years ago. She called me an asshole, and her boyfriend eventually returned, driving them to the cruise together.

She told our parents about the incident.

To my surprise, our parents sided with me, stating that she had done the same thing to me in the past and that if she was going to treat me poorly, I had every right to reciprocate. Eventually, she apologized, but I reiterated that she shouldn’t expect me to be there for her in the future, given her past actions.

So, Reddit, AITA for refusing to help my sister after she left me stranded years ago?