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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Hopeful-Ear7563 on 2023-09-06 20:57:52.

I 18F am low contact with all of my family. Being the youngest and the only female in a family dominated by men, I felt the brunt of every single “joke”, sly comments and was criticised for literally everything! I’d dealt with this for long enough and as soon as I turned 18 in April, I packed up and left my dads house and moved in with my maternal aunt -mum and dad are divorced, don’t have a relationship with mum-

I see the family on special occasions and if my dad, his wife or my brothers text, I respond but I don’t go out of my way to talk to them, and they’ve brought it up with me and ask why, but I don’t give them a clear answer, just because I don’t need them denying the truth.

Last week, it was my dads birthday, and me and my boyfriend, Oliver headed over to his house to celebrate with the rest of the family, and I took Oliver as support as I wouldn’t go unless I had his support, he had no issue and we joined in, and it was all good until we sat down for food.

My dad started on about my job, paraphrasing how I wasn’t gonna do anything in life because I hadn’t gone to college, his wife started on my outfit, and asked if I worked on the corner, my brothers started on what food I was eating, accused me of being pregnant and that’s why I wasn’t drinking and why my stomach was so big. They’ve done this kind of stuff so many times, I would honestly have to step out of the room and have a cry, and I wanted to do that this time, but I decided that enough was enough and I stood my ground.

I told them that I was sick and tired of being the doormat and taking all their shit, and I no longer needed their asses in my life, and that I’m an adult and deserved to be treated with the exact respect that they have for one and other, so me and Oliver left, much to their anger.

Once I arrived back at Olivers house, I was ambushed with calls, texts from the family, calling me an embarrassing baby, that I couldn’t take a joke and that I this, that and the other. My brother called and said that while I was out of line and kind of an asshole, if I came back, they wouldn’t mention it again but I declined. Oliver’s on my side and my aunt is mostly on my side, but thinks I should hear them out and now I’m just conflicted.