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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/throwra3333222229298 on 2023-09-06 19:29:56.

Today I started community school again to change my career. I went to school early so I made sure to be on time. The lot in a one way and someone pulled out so I pulled in. I get out of my car to a girl holding down her horn. She said “did you not hear me honk?” I said I do now. She told me I stole her spot and don’t act intentionally blind and to move now. I told her I did not see her and it’s a one way, you’re not really supposed to back into spots. She goes “well move”. I told her there’s tons of spots and I would have moved I don’t like the way she approached me over it.

She started getting more and more aggressive so I told her I’m taking a picture of her license plate. She said get me in the photo too. I said that’s unnecessary. I then said I’m videoing my car in case she tries to key it. She then took out her phone and recorded me saying “this is a bitch who steals peoples spots”. I said “be a nicer person next time and leave.

I walk to the building and I take out my phone to call my friend to vent. The girl walks up to me (got a parking spot right away!!) and hits my books and water bottle out of my hand.

I went to class and was MAD she tried to intimidate and bully me. I then decided to go to Public safety and report her. She knocked things out of my hand in front of a camera.

They were able to ID her and she was in a dental hygienist program that is VERY competitive. They said student conduct is big and they are taking this very seriously. I said I’m nervous of my car getting keyed.

I called my dad and he told me I was wrong. That just because I was hurt I didn’t need to try to ruin someone’s life, we all make mistakes.

AITA for going to Public safety for road rage?