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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Equivalent_Many4657 on 2023-09-06 16:39:54.

I (28f) am adopted. My parents have always clearly favoured my sister (30f). She is their biological child. I was never treated badly, though. Here’s where it all started. Two years ago I married my high school sweetheart (now 30m). We found out I was pregnant in October last year. January 2nd was my birthday, and we were having a small party to celebrate. This is when I thought it would be a good time to announce that we were expecting. On the cake, we had written “happy birthday, mom”. People were confused, then they congratulated us. Everyone except for my parents. My mom silently left and my dad followed behind her. With all the commotion I didn’t notice they had left until a half an hour later. I called them, and they weren’t picking up. I started to get worried. My sister said she would go drive over to their house and talk to them. She called me once she got there and said they were fine but it was best I give them some time. Ok??? The next day, my husband was at work, and they showed up at my house. They told me they wanted me to abort the baby, since it wasn’t biologically related to them, and they didn’t think it was fair, given my older sister’s fertility struggles. They said if I wanted to be pregnant so bad, I should just be a surrogate for my sister. I told them my sister’s infertility is sad but I can’t do anything about it, and I’m not aborting my baby just to not hurt her feelings. In July, we had our baby. A little girl. She’s our beautiful ray of sunshine. The only problem, my parents have been calling child protective services on us, over and over. They want the baby out of our care. Heres where I may be the asshole. My parents were having a party to celebrate their anniversary. They invited us, but insisted our little girl couldn’t come. I said no. It’s not like it was a child-free party, there was plenty of kids there, they were targeting her. After lots of arguments leading up to the party, they had accepted I wouldn’t be coming. Halfway through the party, they ask me to quickly run out and get them some desserts. I was angry, but they’re still my family, and I live close, so I did. When I got there, my parents and my sister were visibly angry I had brought baby girl. My husband was at a freelance job, so I had to. They started arguing with me again, and I loudly yelled, “I’m not going to throw out my baby because you’re acting like a child.” The whole party turned, and I explained everything. Almost everyone at the party has stopped talking to my parents, or reached out to tell them what assholes they are. My parents and sister are angry at me for ruining all my parents friendships, but I think it was their own fault. Aita?

EDIT: thank you for kind messages. For people asking why I kept contact with them for so long. I don’t even know. Looking back at it, I was so stupid. But I really wanted to believe they could change.