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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/MusicComfortable5739 on 2023-09-04 16:03:40.

I (36f) have been NC with my narcissistic emotionally abusive parents for a year now.

I changed my number ages ago but they someone had given them my new number as they recently attempted to make contact. Im only in touch with four “mutuals” (my sister, my aunt, childhood friend and cousin who is not the child of the aunt in question).

Before I changed my number again I wanted to trap the rat (tell each one of them a lie and see which one gets back to my parents) before changing my number so I don’t accidentally give it to the rat.

Remember these are all lies; I told my sister in having an affair (warned husband of this ahead of time he’s in on it), told my aunt I think i might be a lesbian (parents are very homophobic), told childhood friend i think im preg nant, and told my cousin im moving back to my hometown (near where nparents live) For a job.

Didn’t take long, 3 days later get a text from nmom about how excited she is I’m moving back and it’s the perfect time to “bury the hatchet.” Cousin…BUSTED

I had changed my phone number and cut off contact with cousin and gave the other 3 my new number, and told them the situation that these were all lies and I had to catch the rat to see who was giving info to my parents. Aunt and childhood friend understood, but sister (while she wasn’t the rat and never told nparents) thinks I “went too far” and is upset with me for lying to her and is insulted i think shed betray my confidence. I told her I had to do this to protect myself from people who were leaking information.