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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Fickle-Can-5306 on 2023-09-04 02:49:24.

My son is 6 months old currently, I’ve always had hesitation about my MIL watching my son, but have given her the benefit of the doubt and ample opportunities. I was originally weirded out when I was 6 months pregnant and got a call from my MIL saying she is going to retire to watch my son full time. I explained that was absolutely unnecessary and it makes me uncomfortable due to the fact that my mom did that for my sister and it didn’t exactly end well. So I didn’t want that to happen with her. Fast forward, she retires. Assumes she is watching him full time. I have a flexible enough job, so in no way was she ever going to watch him full time. Max 1-2 days a week. She immediately gets upset. She watches him 1-2 days a week for 3 months. In that time, I’ve caught her asleep with him in her arms, she doesn’t follow my feeding schedule, does not put him down in the crib for naps, always suggests putting rice cereal in his bottles, always gives unsafe advice (SIDS risks), constantly has to change the days she watches him and reschedules because she is out of town or something else comes up and the final straw -she gave my son COVID because she didn’t think she was contagious. My husband doesn’t have the best communication relationship with her and frankly doesn’t ever stand up for himself or my son to her to tell her the rules in which we want our son to be watched. I never want her to watch him again. AITA?