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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Ryuk_Shinigami3 on 2023-09-03 22:40:56.

So, our dad, my sister’s stepdad and my biological dad, recently died. Last year, in particular. My sister is old and got married about two years ago, and way before she got married she lived with her husband (then, boyfriend). Now, my father left the house to me, I have an older brother who I still live with and we have decided to sell the house because we eventually plan to start our own lives in the future. We’re still both in uni, and I am doing my final year and he is finishing his honors, so the reasoning is, we no longer have to keep the house because it is in a rather jobless area and if we are to find work, we would have move to an entirely different state. So we want to get rid of all ties, such as property from another state.

Now, once the house is sold, we need to buy a new one elsewhere obviously or get an apartment/flat, but my sister insists that we share the money we get from selling the house with her because she also “grew up in that house”. But the money is designated for yet another house, and splitting it would not help those losing a home. She already has her own house with her husband and kids, and we would be left stranded after selling the house. She’s also moving to another state because of a job and would not even be there when we are homeless. She claims we are selfish for this decision, are we? Should the money be split among the siblings?

Edit: I should also mention that the new house we are buying is so that my mom could come live there. She is currently living with my aunt’s daughter, whose mom recently passed, so she is looking after her.

Edit 2: My mom gave us permission to sell the house because she also thinks the location of the house in an inconvenient.