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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/bridewithnofather on 2023-09-03 15:49:48.

I (20f) have a strained relationship with my dad, he isn’t the best emotionally and definitely does not give physical affection, he isn’t abusive by any means but he isn’t the nicest either.

My dad had a rough childhood growing up,he lived in bad neighborhoods and his dad was an alcoholic who didn’t bother working and my grandma used to work but her job didn’t pay all that well, I don’t know alot about his childhood but what I do know is that they barely had food and sometimes my dad would go to sleep while starving because grandma couldn’t afford to buy food.

This led to him to now being a workaholic,he works for hours even when he doesn’t have to,and he only comes home for dinner time and then goes to bed,however the issue is that he forces us to eat (and I mean all the time),when we sit down at the table he always is the one to put the food in our plates,he puts everything in it even if we don’t like it and in amounts that we sometimes can’t finish.

And the thing is that even after we are are full but there is still a bit food left he forces us to eat it,he sometimes leaves me or my siblings at the table alone when everyone had already left so he can ensure we ate even if we said we are going to throw up,we tried to ask him to at least let us put the food in our plates so we can decide how much we can eat but he refused and said he doesn’t want us starving.

Yesterday I had eaten McDonald’s while I was out with friends, I came home at dinner time and my family was already eating, my dad told me to sit down and eat but I told him I wasn’t hungry and I already ate McDonald’s, he told me McDonald’s wasn’t real food and he wants me to eat actual food that will fill my stomach, I told him I was really okay and full, he got mad and very harshly told me ‘sit ur ass down to eat or I will make you sit down’ , I don’t know why that made me mad because he always talks like that but I just couldn’t take it.

I yelled at him that I said I was fucking full and didn’t need food and just because his dad couldn’t feed him doesn’t mean he has to push food down my throat and that I was sick of it, after I screamed that I saw his face and it was the first time I saw a hurt expression on his face, no one said anything and I went into my room and I haven’t seen him since yesterday, I feel so bad for saying that but I was so sick of him pushing food litterly down my throat where I would gag sometimes,AITA for what i said? Should I have said something else, Idk, Idk why that was the first thing I said but I just didn’t want him to force me to eat when I was already full.