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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/sophiebchavez on 2023-09-01 08:33:11.

I (26F) and my cousin Leia (27F) have never had a good relationship. She used to break my stuff and bully me in middle school. Leia got pregnant at 17,18, and 21. She had always threw tantrums to get what she wanted. Her and her fiance had recently got engaged but have been financially unstable for years.

Most of Leia’s wedding had been payed for by my aunt and uncle. We went dress shopping last week and Leia had picked the dress she liked the most and it was probably the most expensive. She began to thank me for paying and I was confused. I asked her what she was talking about and she said I was paying for the dress. I said that I wasn’t going to pay and like always she started crying. She called me selfish and said I’m sabotaging her big day because I was infertal with no kids. Which is not true I just haven’t had children yet. She stormed out along with her mom.

Everyone is on my side except my brother who said stop being petty and pay for the damn dress. I have received several messages from Leia saying I was jealous, selfish, fat, ugly, stupid ect. Leia’s fiance has been MIA for days and is leaving Leia after my uncle told Leia to suck it up or have no wedding at all.

AITA for this?