link to original reddit post by /u/R_O
The argument is a fallacy. It is not sensible and becomes quite the slippery slope. Using the same logic, owning a animal that is un-vaccinated becomes a major violation. According to the CDC, animals are a possible vector for infection; they could even have possibly been the origin of COVID in the first place. Should we be looking at vaccinating the wider animal population, to include bats? How else would it be possible to prevent mutation and create "herd immunity"?
Driving becomes a violation of the NAP. Automobiles release carcinogenic fumes afterall. These contribute to heart disease, emphysema, stroke and climate change. Hell, people breathing puts me at risk for a catastrophic climate crisis. Yikes!
How and when did vaccination become a zero sum game? Because Fauci said so? There will always be new viruses that human beings come into contact with. Do modern citizens of the world really have the level of hubris (or ignorance) to believe that mankind will ever vaccinate away viruses all together? Seriously?
There are a multitude of viral pathogens and bacteria you, as a living organism, come into contact with every single day. Most of which science/humanity has not even discovered or acknowledged. There are more than you can possibly even conceive. Science does not even fully understand what a virus actually is, let alone how they fully function, mutate or jump species.
Viruses are neither dead or alive. They seemingly operate with a biological purpose, but what that is can only be guessed at. They parasitically re-produce using the machinery of living cells but we have no idea where they come from. They adapt and evolve faster than anything that is living, which scientifically makes zero sense. We are shooting in the dark here.
One of my biggest issues with this 'pandemic' is how the media and politicians somehow twisted science into some type of new, obscene religion. Scientists, doctors and engineers are not prophets; they do not have all the answers and any good one will tell you exactly that. Now any peer reviewed article with enough google exposure behind it somehow becomes gospel and the masses flock to it and proselytize. In reality, it's more of an opinion piece; and somehow the statistics always get left out or obscured. It's shameful. We might as well be spitting on the graves of real scientists that paved the way for the civilization we were fortunate enough to all inherit.
Get vaccinated if you feel vulnerable, it might help. But vaccinating your neighbor will not save you. If you believe otherwise you are a scared, miserable cretan. Go get some exercise, lay off off the big macs and put the Marlboro's down. Sunlight helps too.