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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Abbs_throwaway on 2023-08-30 13:30:26.

Disclaimer: this is my first time using Reddit after a friend recommended it to me so please bear w me if I don’t know all the correct language!

About a week ago, me (24f), my brother Jack (26m), my dad, and some other close family members went on a trip to Tunisia, where my mother, who died in a car accident about two years ago, was from to discover a little more about her life and our ancestors. On this trip, my brother decided to bring his wife, Julie (26f) and I brought my husband. Up till now, I had not had any issues with Julie as I don’t know her very well (she and my brother met and got married during COVID and live quite far so I had only seen her 2 or 3 times before this trip). So, the incident occurred on the second to last day of the trip when we all went out to dinner. I think that it is important to note that this whole trip was to remember and celebrate my mother (she died around the beginning of COVID where I live so we didn’t get a proper funeral for her), and the day we went out to dinner was her birthday. At the beginning of the dinner, my dad said a short speech basically thanking everyone for coming and honouring my mother’s life. Before he even got the chance to sit down, Julie stood up and announced that her and Jack are expecting a baby! The entire table went silent, with only a few quiet congratulations. Instead of reading the room and sitting back down, Julie ran up to me with a big obnoxious grin and asked me if I was excited to be an auntie. I stayed silent, trying not to ruin what was the left of this trainwreck of a dinner and she said that she was just trying to lighten the mood with some good news. This is when I cracked and yelled at her that she wasn’t trying to benefit anyone but herself and that she was a selfish attention whore. I walked out, followed by my husband and then my dad. From what I gather, the dinner was pretty much ruined after that and the whole family had left before they ordered any food. Now, I do understand that she could have seen it as was a good opportunity as the entire family was all together, but after talking with my brother I found out that they had known for a month before the trip so they could easily have announced it before. My dad is staying neutral on this and my brother is angry at me for ‘embarrassing’ his wife but understands my point of view. Some family members and Julie’s mom are now calling me a bitch over text for ruining an important moment for her. So, am I the asshole?