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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/kfiero on 2023-08-29 22:24:01.

I’m currently in a relationship with someone whose family is bilingual. My partner’s entire family is entirely fluent in both the language I speak, as well as another language. When we’re with my partner’s family, 95% of the time, they speak the language I know. However, anytime there’s any sort of disagreement or argument, they switch to the other language until the disagreement is resolved. To me, this feels really rude. If we’re in the car or at the table and they switch languages, I’ll be sitting there for several minutes at a time feeling very excluded. They know I don’t speak the other language, so to me it feels like they’re taking advantage of the language barrier to purposefully exclude me.

After several requests to not be excluded from conversations, I’ve started to just get up and walk away from wherever we are when they switch languages, which my partner feels is very rude of me.

She says when I get up and walk away, I’m being an AH. I think it’s a reasonable response and they’re being AH’s for excluding me.

Note : I have started the beginning stages of trying to learn this other language myself but it’s going to be quite some time before I’m anywhere near fluent enough to keep up.