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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Eastern_Aardvark_610 on 2023-08-30 02:35:17.

I (21M) currently own a barber-shop and have found myself in a very weird situation, I was scheduled an appointment by a father of a cancer patient who is currently under-going chemotherapy and feeling very saddened by the situation, I decided to refuse any payment and give the girl her haircut for free however that’s not the problem.

once they arrived, I reculently helped the father pull the daughter out of the wheelchair and onto the chair but then I had seen him go outside to his car only to arrive with camera equipment, I asked why he was doing this and he leaned in to my ear and whispered how he’s gonna record this for his daughter and tell me about how I’ll shave my hair for the video so they can publish it on their Instagram page.

I refused and calmly explained how I wasn’t informed about this during the scheduling and that I wasn’t gonna shave off my hair just for some stupid video, the father then visibly got angry towards me [for some reason?] and yelled at me explaining how I don’t get it and how much work he went through to even go to my barber shop and schedule an appointment, he called me a rich piece of shit that feeds off of the poor and constantly degraded me throughout for no reason.

I told him to get out and take his daughter out of here because he’s been kicked out, I explained how I don’t tolerate disrespect in which he left whilst looking at me with a disgusted facial expression as if I did anything wrong.

so… AITA?