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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/FrostingExotic5190 on 2023-08-29 14:36:05.

I’ve been in Emilie’s life since she was 14, she is now 17. My god has it been rough, she is with us 50 percent of the time and when we she first moved in we had a whole conversation about how to make this as easy for everyone as possible. If I have an issue I will talk to my husband and he handles all the discipline. This is a double edge sword. She is as sweet as honey when her dad is there moment she gone she is an asshole.

Her favorite thing for her to do at the moment is ruin my food. If I am cooking she will dump salt into the stew or other things. It’s so frustrating and I haven’t been able to catch her. My husband knows and asked about it but he won’t discipline her without proof.

So I set up a mini camera in the kitchen. Today I was making her cake (birthday in a week but was going to surprise her before she went back to her mom) I put them in the oven and she goes over, takes them out and dumps a ton of salt on top of it. I threw them out and told her that was her birthday cake and she’s not getting a cake now from me. She goes to her father and tells him I messed up the cake and won’t fix it for her.

He comes home pissed at me and I show him the video, he now even more pissed that filmed in the house even though this has been a problem for a while and he wouldn’t do anything. Everyone is calling me a jerk and I don’t know now. Should I just remake the cake .