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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ThrowRADaylight-Burn on 2023-08-28 09:22:07.

My (33F) boyfriend (33M) and I took an overnight road trip this past weekend (the first we have ever, we haven’t been dating long). While initially it was my idea, he agreed he wanted to go to do the activity (kayaking) and was actually on the phone with me when I booked the hotel/activity. I told him how much it was each and remembered saying, “I put it on my credit card, so whenever.” (in regards to him giving me his half). I even asked if he expected me to pay for it since it was my idea and he said definitely not, that he can pay his half.

Fast forward to the trip being over a few days ago and he has yet to pay me nor even bring up that he owes me money. I’m pissed and considering literally breaking up with him. Although I didn’t bring it up again, I don’t know how it wouldn’t occur to him that he owes me money. Additionally, he wanted to take my car because he “hasn’t had service” on his in over a year.

He paid for the gas that we stopped for on the way home and a few of our meals, but I feel as though I’m being taken advantage of. Am I the asshole for being mad even though I never brought it up?