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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Rule_of_Four on 2023-08-25 22:08:29.

My (32M) ex wife Melanie (33F) divorced a year ago. She had a 1-year-old when we met and I got to be her step-dad for 5 years while we were married. Unfortunately, Melanie experiences mania and delusions of grandeur. She managed these for 3 years and then refused all treatment which led to our divorce. I tried to make it work because I loved her and of course for our (her) little girl.

She is now remarried to Andrew (mid-30s). We have all remained amicable. She invites me to school events and invited me to our daughter’s birthday party this year. We are all “friends” on social media.

A week or so ago I noticed she was posting on social media excessively, and it seemed like all she wanted to do was stir up people’s emotions. She was making posts essentially slandering religion, stay-at-home dads, public schools, things that started debates in her comments. The day before yesterday she posted several times and was asking people to debate with her on various subjects. Anyone who did was simply called a moron. She’s tagged local pastors asking them to debate her on stage and has asked public school teachers to have debates with her. It’s an antagonistic mess and hard to watch.

I recognized this pattern of behavior. I reached out to Andrew privately and wrote, “Hey, I am worried about Melanie. If you haven’t already you may want to talk with her about getting some help before she offends everyone she knows and is left with no outside social support. It has happened before. She might listen to you.”

A day later and I almost regret reaching out. First, Andrew berated me, calling me an AH for saying he doesn’t know how to take care of his wife. Then Melanie. I won’t even repeat what she’s been saying. She posted a screenshot of my message to Andrew and has been on a tirade all day, accusing me of violating her privacy rights, digging up old dirt, you name it. According to both of them I am a moron and an AH. AITA?