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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ThrowRAsleepless2 on 2023-08-25 10:58:11.

So the other day, My dad asked me for help with compressing a few files. He told me the files were too big to upload in his application and that something had to be done. He didn’t know what. I told him I’d help him.

When I went to help him, he was already on the phone with another guy who was about to make him scan those files all over again. I told that was unnecessary, “Hang up. Is this the file you want compressed?”

Out of nowhere he starts shouting at him. “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do. You get out. Don’t stand here in front of me”.

I still have no idea why I deserved that outburst. I was just going to use a online service to reduce the file-size. It felt horrible. This was after only last week, when there was a cupboard that needed fixing in our place. I’ve been telling my dad about it for ages. He did nothing. So, I took it upon myself to call for a carpenter to do an estimate. When I asked my dad to talk to the carpenter, he went off on me, “What do I know about anything. You people are so smart you can handle everything on your own” is what he said, in a mean sarcastic tone.

These two incidents combined and others, kind of completely shut me off to him. I am too scared to even ask him simple things because I know he’ll say something pointed and mean. I’ve stopped talking to him. Not a word unless he asks me something and I HAVE to answer to avoid another outburst. I’ve honestly had enough with him and his verbal abuse. These are some of the things he said over the years,

“It’s my fault, getting you girls educated this much. You’ll talk too much”

“Know your place. Don’t aim too high” (I was considering getting admissions in an university abroad to do my masters).

He spends an insane amount of money on temples, but if we buy provisions for the household he throws a fit about it. I don’t even want to get married because I am terrified I’ll be stuck with a guy like him.

Now tell me, Am I the asshole for not wanting to ever talk to him or try and mend our relationship.