Not a huge fan of fox but everything else I saw on youtube on searching either had some streamer fags, wasn’t the actual debate shit, was some other live stream that had other bullshit on the screen etc. If anybody has a better source, feel free to link to it cuz apparently i’m a retard and can’t find it.


This is the command I used to grab an offline copy in Linux (assumes you have yt-dlp and ffmpeg installed):

yt-dlp -i -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best -S res:720 -o '%(uploader)s_%(upload_date)s_%(title)s.%(ext)s' --progress --windows-filenames --trim-filenames 140 --restrict-filenames --quiet --no-warnings --prefer-free-formats --merge-output-format mkv

For me, it took a little over 15 minutes (cuz vpn) and I ended up with a 1.4 GB mkv file. You will probably need at least 2-3x that much free space for temp files but it cleans those up when done.

Why would you want an offline copy? Maybe you want to take screens or run it thru mkv-merge-gui and grab meme clips. Maybe you want to be able to jerk off to Christie. Or you just like archiving shit. How tf should I know.