The original post: /r/television by /u/Sudden_Pop_2279 on 2025-03-03 00:54:56.
I really expected The Amazing Digital Circus to be some comedic kids show but wow, there hasn’t been a single “bad” episode of the show yet. This show is genuinely incredibely and well-written, contrasting shows like Hazbin, Helluva and Murder Drones by focusing on character development vs just comedy and rushing the story.
I really liked how episode 4 portrayed every character being the opposite of how they usually are and their masks slipping.
Ragatha is a people pleaser who plays the role of the team mom. However, the series implies it’s not so black and white. Ragatha is extremely reliant on others approval and says thing she doesn’t mean to relieve tension. Hear we see her true feelings toward others being revealed via her being revealed (hating Jax, calling Zooble a grouch, finding Gangle annoying).
Jax always has the persona of being the tough jackass but it slowly cracks throughout the episode. He actually seems semi-regretful for breaking Gangle’s mask at the start and later, he just… gives up on being a jerk. Even Pomni’s shocked by it and at the end, he’s actually having a normal conversation with Pomni and Kinger.
But Gangle hits the closet to home. She spends all of this episode “happy” rather than sad. However, we see how it’s not her genuine feelings. He’ll, she comes seriously to ABSTRACTING and is only saved by Pomni taking over for her.
There are two things I love about it 1. The allgory to depression and mental illness and how putting on a happy facade isn’t fixing your issues. Rather actually talking to someone does 2. How Pomni took Kinger’s advice from the last episode. “The worst thing you can do so make someone feel they’re not loved or wanted.” Pomni showed Gangle she cared and saved her from abstraction.
TLDR; The Amazing Digital Circus is genuinely well-written and I can’t wait to see what the next episodes have in store for us.