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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/NoNeedleworker8772 on 2023-08-23 18:21:10.

So over the summer my husband’s son Jay stays with his mom. He’s 16. He gets home and gets everything ready for school. I noticed his mom gave him a new gaming system and I don’t say anything as he puts it in his room. It’s not uncommon for his mom buy him things.

The police show up at my house and ask to see both me and Jay. His dad is working. I let the police come in and they asked about his gaming system and I tell him sure them I saw him unpack it. Once Jay gets in the living room I’m told it’s stolen. I freak out! I yell at my Jay and the police arrest him and tell me I can come get him after the booking process it will take a few hours.

I let them take my Jay and the gaming station! I was so overwhelmed with everything. I call my husband and he starts yelling at me because I let the police in the house and take Jay. I got an earful about it and my husband goes to the police station and it takes a long time for him to come home with Jay!

My husband sends Jay to his room and yells at me about how I let this happen. I should have not let them into the house and I shouldn’t have told them Jay was home. I said why? He acts like it was common since and I should have found out more information. He calls me names like stupid and naive.

The fight turns into me say how was I supposed to know how to act I was taught better to cover for a criminal. My husband said Jay is not a criminal. I pointed out he was literally just arrested for freaking stealing. My husband told me to get out.

I’m staying with my sister and her husband right now because of this. They are in just as much shock as me because they would have never thought to be rude to the police either and not allow them in.