MMO Game by one of the original creators of Star Wars Galaxies, game already playable
I’m all for another sci-fi NMS-like, but the moment he said that you can map a planet, and other players would/could buy a map from you, I mentally checked out. If there’s lots of planets to explore, why would I buy a map when I can strike out on my own? And if there’s limited worlds, mapping is going to become saturated really quickly.
But maybe I’m missing some important aspect. I sincerely hope they do well, and I hope they bring some truly unique ideas to the table. 2 weeks ago
I’d be very cautious around taglines like “from one of the creators…”
Star Wars Galaxies was developed by a lot of people, and all you need to do is look at Turtle Rock, Left 4 Dead, and Back 4 Blood to see how little those taglines matter. 2 weeks ago
Fair, but in this case, it’s Raph Koster.
He was Creative Director for the original SWG, and then Chief Creative Officer under Sony once they bought it.
He also was a lead designer for Ultima Online before that, and did work on multiple other games (Including EQ2) afterwards.