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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/JudgeDepend96 on 2023-08-23 14:18:04.

For the last three months or so, My (M19) younger brother, Alan (M17), has been chasing after a girl from his school named Stacy (F17). Initially, Stacy didn’t seem interested in him, and her friends told him that she was “playing hard to get,”. Leading up to this point, he’d give her so much attention, buying her gifts regularly, skipping out on hanging out with his friends, even missing a family event, etc. All to placate her.

Eventually, Stacey agreed to start “dating” him, and they’ve been hanging out from time to time since.

About two weeks ago, Stacy invited Alan over to her house to hang out. He ended up meeting her parents, they didn’t like him too much (according to him at least). Since then, Stacy has reduced the amount of time she gives him and told him that her parents thought she was “a bit out of his league.”

He was upset for a very short time, before starting the whole process again of buying her things and waiting on her hand and foot for any time she’ll give him.

Yesterday morning, he was telling me that Stacey’s friends started calling him “the clown” as according to them, he’s always ready to offer entertainment. According to him, Stacey just calls him “that idiot” or “dumbass” half the time instead of his real name. The clown nickname has already started to spread within their friend groups, and according to my brother, other people are catching on.

He didn’t seem to be bothered by this, but I told him that it was an embarrassing name. I then explained to him that regardless of his efforts, Stacy’s parents probably wouldn’t change their opinion of him, and Stacy herself would probably move on to someone else as she saw him as a joke.

He got pretty upset by this and told me that I was weird. I told him that he was becoming a joke amongst his peers and that our parents would be deeply ashamed of this if they knew (they know very little of this entire situation). I said this because, earlier this summer he made up an excuse to miss a family event so that he could hang out with her. And overall, I think our parents would be embarrassed that their son is demeaning himself like this.

I also said that he was simping like an idiot when he should be focusing on getting into a good college. He called me an ass and said that I was too invested in what other people thought of him.


Context - For those wondering how Stacey is receiving the gifts, she’s enjoying them. He stopped giving her attention for a few days last month, and she started texting him asking him if he had forgotten about her