We hear a lot about how ham radio isn’t what it used to be. But what was it like?
Retrotectacular: Ham Radio As It Was
Submitted 1 week ago by BenDoubleU@lemmy.radio to amateur_radio@lemmy.radio
W6KME@mastodon.radio 1 week ago
@BenDoubleU I love Lemmy.radio...but I question the slogan "ham radio like it used to be". Let's be honest-it used to be expensive and white. A few old grumps wish it still was. It's more accessible now than ever, more diverse, and there are more activities available now than ever.
Stop listening to those old grumps who say the hobby is dying. It's very much alive, and Lemmy.radio is an awesome gateway to all sorts of stuff.
BenDoubleU@lemmy.radio 1 week ago
It’s not a slogan, just the title of the article 😊 it does go on to state that it isn’t much different and how it’s used differently today. Glad you like lemmy.radio!