link to original reddit post by /u/mrpenguin_86

With the whole COVID and vaccine nonsense going on, the moronic statists have been coming out of the woodwork calling the hallmark idea of Libertarianism, i.e., that people should be free to do as they please as long as it doesn't infringe upon others' rights, selfish, and they think that the truly selfless thing to do is to advocate for everyone else to be jailed or murdered if they don't do exactly what you want them to do.

The statists, demanding everyone do what they say at gunpoint, are supposedly not selfish. Really.

I feel like this is basically what we've come down to. It's like how the term racism basically transformed from the idea of treating others differently based entirely on their skin color into the idea that if you're born with pale skin, you're automatically evil and wrong from birth. The term 'selfish' used to mean wanting your way all the time and to only think of yourself but transformed into letting others choose their own path in life.

Words are meaningless now.