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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/aslostasyou on 2023-08-13 00:30:10.

Hi, Reddit. This happened a few hours ago and I am feeling bad about it. I am not sure if I was in the right and I want an outsider view of it.

I am an AIRBNB host. I don’t live in the flat that I rent out. I get nearly all the nights reserved on the app and I have never had any major issues.

The process is simple: someone makes a reservation, I ask for the estimated arrival time, I go clean the house and prepare it for check-in, and wait for the guest. It’s very straightforward.

I am flexible about check-in and check-out, but as I don’t live in the flat, I need some communication with the guest to make it work. Unfortunately, because of the setup, I cannot offer self-check-in.

Anyways, I receive a reservation three days ago. The guest texts me to say she’s thrilled to stay at my place for one night as she has a flight the next day. I answer exactly one minute later to say I’m happy to host her and to please tell me her estimated time of arrival so I can go wait for her in the flat.

A day goes by and the next day I text her again in the morning to please confirm at what time she thinks she will arrive. She does not reply. I text her again a few hours later for a third time, asking for her estimated time of arrival. Again, no answer.

The day of the reservation comes in. I wake up and the first thing I do is to ask her at what time she is arriving, now for the fourth time. I get her WhatsApp number and text her over there to explain I am her Airbnb host, and I need to know at what time is she planning to arrive. She received the message but did not reply again. Now this is the fifth time and I am getting pissed. It is a Saturday, and I am expecting to rest and make my own plans during the weekend after working full-time during the week - I was just trying to plan my day around her arrival but she is not answering at all.

I call Airbnb support to try and cancel the reservation or get assistance, and they say they cannot reach the guest either. I text her for the sixth time at 3 pm on her arrival date.

I then text her for the seventh time, at 7 pm, explaining I will not be able to receive her anymore.

Then, at 10:30 pm she texts me saying she arrived in the city 30 minutes ago. She “was traveling”. She will be in the house in 10 minutes. Now, as I explained I don’t live in the flat. I live one hour away. It’s 10:30 pm. And then she says she cannot understand how I can leave a girl traveling alone without a place to stay. She immediately cancels the reservation and I guess she found another place to stay.

I reply to her almost immediately to explain that I waited for her all day and that for three full days, I tried to get an answer from all the methods I could and she did not reply. She hasn’t read my messages and that’s it, but I’m just feeling terrible.

I think I could be the asshole for not waiting for her in the house all day and leaving a female traveler without a place to stay late at night. AITA?