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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Worth-Yam-8673 on 2023-08-12 21:28:01.

My wife (28F) and I (33M) are pregnant with our second child. Our first child was a boy and we named him after my uncle. Now it’s important to know that my uncle is like a father to me because my real dad was in and out of jail my whole childhood, my wife loves my uncle and they are very close too. Both of us happened to like my uncle’s name and since we found out our first kid was a boy, we thought why not honor this man who we both love so much.

We just found out that our second baby will be a girl. And my wife wants to name the new baby after her mom. Well the problem is that her mom’s name was Karen. I don’t want to do this to my baby girl because of all the horrible stereotypes and jokes about this name. We are both white and our daughter will obviously be white as well so I think that makes it even worse. I told my wife I won’t name our baby Karen and she told me she really wants to honor her mother like we honored my uncle. I told her that was different, my uncle has a normal name unlike Karen which is basically an insult/ punchline. My wife says that lots of people named Karen are perfectly nice, she thinks it’s a beautiful name and we will teach our daughter to be kind to others so it doesn’t matter and she wants one of her kids names to have a connection to her mom. I said that she’s behaving like an idiot for pretending it doesn’t matter. Plus her mother died when my wife was a teenager so I have never met this woman so I don’t feel comfortable naming my daughter after her. My wife said i was an asshole for calling her an idiot even though I didn’t actually call her an idiot, I only said that about the way she was behaving. I also suggested that we can use Karen as a middle name but she didn’t and said that she’s the mother so her opinion is more important. She also said that since she “allowed”me to choose our son’s name that I should let her choose this one’s name even though we both liked my uncle’s name and agreed to it. And since both kids will have my last name since I am the dad it’s not fair to her family.

So AITA for trying to save my unborn baby from a life of misery and being teased at school. I guess I could have been more polite but she’s being really unreasonable and I can’t let her do this to my daughter

TLDR my wife wants to name our daughter Karen after her mom. I said no and we fought, AITA?